Monthly Archives: January 2012

Prager University: How the Vietnam War Was Won and Lost

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When Telling The Truth Is Wrong

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The Education Of An Alexander Teacher

He was already five minutes late to give a free lesson to his chiropractor friend, when his phone rang. The number was not familiar to him but he answered anyway. The street was busy and noisy and the man’s voice … Continue reading

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Falling Off A Cliff

Monday night or early Tuesday morning, I dreamed I was standing on a cliff in Southern California when it gave way and I plummeted to the bottom. Supposedly when you fall from a great height in dreams, you wake up … Continue reading

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I Killed My Computer Last Night

I was searching the web for “clean your computer” and found a recommendation on the Staples web site to right click your hard drive (usually the C drive), go to Properties, Tools, and then click on disk repair. I did … Continue reading

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