Falling Off A Cliff

Monday night or early Tuesday morning, I dreamed I was standing on a cliff in Southern California when it gave way and I plummeted to the bottom.

Supposedly when you fall from a great height in dreams, you wake up dead?

Anyway, I didn’t die. I crawled away. And there was this girl I knew on the sand. She cradled me and took care of me.

A different friend was dreaming about me last night: Before I forget: dream about you last night. We were sort of together, or at least in like. You gave me 2 things. I couldn’t remember one of them once I woke up, but the other you put on a chair next to me, and it was a round vintage game/toy of about 100 horses. You could put the little horses in a hole or chute and they would come out the bottom like a little racing game. I knew you didn’t know how valuable it was, so I told you. It was neat and I wanted to play with it more.

That’s it. Just a dream. But we had good feelings towards each other.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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