Monthly Archives: October 2011

Hanging Out On Facebook With Ex-Seventh-Day Adventists

I am having a rocking time on this ex-Seventh Day Adventist FB group: I’ve reconnected with some old friends from Avondale days (NSW, Australia, prior to my moving to CA in 1977). I like it in Orthodox Judaism. It … Continue reading

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Rick Perry Looks And Sounds Like A Defeated Man

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “During the debate last night, Rick Perry looked and sounded like a defeated man. It’s hard to imagine the American people electing him president. At this time, it looks like Herman Cain … Continue reading

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Anthony Weiner’s Disgrace Deepens…

…as the realm of privacy shrinks. A guy can’t even sext these days without it turning into a book! The Daily Mail reports: Heartbreak for Huma as new messages reveal how Anthony Weiner called her parents ‘backwards thinking’ and compared … Continue reading

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Preparing For Tough Times

“You’re doing three smart things,” a secular Jew told me this week. “You’ve joined a tight community (Orthodox Judaism) where people help each other. You’ve learned a skill (teaching Alexander Technique) that you can make money from anywhere. And you’ve … Continue reading

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Who’s The Most Expensive Alexander Technique Teacher In The World?

I believe that person is Tommy Thompson in Massachusetts. He charges $150 for a lesson. Most Alexander Technique teachers charge between $50-$120 per lesson (which typically lasts about 45 minutes).

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