Monthly Archives: June 2011

Randy Rabbi Marc Schneier Returns To Public Eye

Rabbi Marc Schneier has just had his fourth divorce. That doesn’t stop him from opining publicly on right and wrong. The Forward reports: The Latino community, meanwhile, wishes to see Jewish lawmakers help push through comprehensive immigration reform, which is … Continue reading

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Baruch HaShem, My Dog Was Nifter

Heshy Fried gives this guide to sounding more religious, more Orthodox, than you really are: Funeral: Say Levaya instead Death, died or passed away: Nifter is the supreme substitute, if you want to be a bit more moderishe, but not … Continue reading

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Miss America Contestants Discuss Evolution

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Should Rabbi Rabbs Move To The Beach?

Greg Leake reacts to this week’s Torah Talk: Hi Luke and Rabbs, Thanks a lot for addressing the questions I posed. I think now that maybe some of the situations i’ve seen that involved a well-to-do, prominent Orthodox Jew getting … Continue reading

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Reasons For The Texan Economic Boom

How is the real estate market different in Texas than in California? Well, much of California’s land, particularly by the coast, is off-limits to development. With less land available to develop, land prices in California have skyrocketed over the past … Continue reading

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