Daily Archives: May 26, 2011

The Government’s War on Cameras!

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Letting Go Of Resentment

I went to a meeting the other day, arriving five minutes early. On the door was a notice that the building was closed for maintenance for the next two days. The door was locked. I left. Arriving home, I sent … Continue reading

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Is She The First Hot Female Rabbi?

And as Heshy Fried points out below, she plays for the other team! From FrumSatire: “I wanted to lead a halachically observant community so decided it was best to transfer to JTS where it would be far more likely I’d … Continue reading

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Unity For Justice For Sholom Rubashkin

The Wikipedia entries on Sholom Rubashkin and Agriprocessors.

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Why Don’t People Want To Take Responsibility For Their Own Use?

I have a friend with a bad back. He had surgery on it a year or two ago. And by the way he uses himself, I can tell he’s going to have nothing but trouble with his back in the … Continue reading

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