Daily Archives: December 21, 2010

Reactions To Torah Talk

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, May I recommend that you check into Tai Chi? You will discover that it accomplishes virtually everything that Hatha yoga does, but with none of the “misuse” that you understand from the Alexander technique. In … Continue reading

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‘But You Admire This Man?’

Here’s a painful memory. It was the Spring of 1998. I was going out with this Jewish woman I met at synagogue. I brought her over to the hovel for the first time and like a chivalrous gentleman, I showed … Continue reading

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Panic Attacks

I had a girlfriend who would get a panic attack every time she walked into a courtroom. “You don’t have to,” I told her one evening. “You don’t have to get panic attacks any more. You can learn to free … Continue reading

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The Top Ten Orthodox Blogs In English

There’s no Orthodox blog I read every day. I read most often (in order) Torah Musings, Frum Satire, Failed Messiah, and Cross Currents. I am trying to come up with a top ten list, but I would not tell you … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas!

From DennisPrager.com: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Radio Show H1: Forgive the Expression Prager H1: Nina Totenberg excused herself for using the phrase “Christmas Party.” This is a perfect expression of the secularization of America… Dennis announces a new feature for … Continue reading

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