Daily Archives: December 28, 2010

My Most-Viewed Torah Talk Videos

Sept. 2008. God would restore their fortunes, take them back in love, and bring them together again from the ends of the world to the land that their fathers possessed, and God would make them more prosperous and numerous than … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: New York Times Plays ‘Catch Up’ with Jewish Bloggers on Israel’s Subsidy Payments to Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Men for Full-Time Torah Study

This heavily-blogged topic is apparently news to The New York Times, which covers it at length today under the headline “Some Israelis Question Benefits for Ultra-Religious.” Isabel Kershner reports: JERUSALEM — Chaim Amsellem was certainly not the first Parliament member … Continue reading

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What Is It Like To Argue A Case Before The RCC?

A source tells me about the RCC: “All these guys are in bed with each other. They are all incompetent. They are untrained people playing judge and playing lawyers. They don’t want Jews to take other Jews to secular court, … Continue reading

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The Tragic Pet Hour

When it comes to pets, men want a buddy and women want a child. On his show Dec. 27, 2010, Dennis Prager said: I get enough disagreement outside of my house. Inside my house, I really like harmony. The more … Continue reading

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What Do Women Want?

Dennis Prager writes: What a woman most wants is to be loved by a man she admires. …The truth is that almost nothing — including job success — elevates a woman in her own eyes as much as being loved … Continue reading

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