Daily Archives: December 16, 2010

When Do I Post Duplicate Content?

I go through phases where 90% of what I post on here is original content. And then I go through phases where 70% of what I post is duplicate content from other sites that I cut and paste from and … Continue reading

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Wikileaks Helped Israel

Jerold S. Auerbach writes for the Jewish Press: The WikiLeaks revelations, if it is not sacrilegious to suggest, were a godsend to the Jewish state. They demolished the mantra of Israel’s critics, President Obama conspicuous among them, who have incessantly … Continue reading

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Do Israeli Rabbis Have Freedom Of Speech?

Here are some of my previous posts on this topic. Steven Plaut writes for the Jewish Press: In recent days, one of the most important domestic controversies in Israel has revolved around rabbinic opinions. The media are representing this as … Continue reading

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We Begin The Book Of Exodus

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and YouTube. This week’s parsha is Shemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1). Rabbi Rabbs says I was much more gentle with Tamara than I was … Continue reading

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The Unbearable Lightness Of Larry King

Jason Maoz writes for the Jewish Press: Larry King will host his last edition of “Larry King Live” on CNN next week, and the Monitor can only say Good Riddance. King built a reputation and made a fortune as the … Continue reading

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