Daily Archives: December 15, 2010

Predicting A Person By His Choice Of Spouse

Instapundit says about CA Governor Arnold: “You could have predicted this [fiscal irresponsibility and shift left] just from knowing that Arnold was married to Maria Shriver. If you want to know whether a male Republican politician is likely to go … Continue reading

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How Does A Man Become Admirable?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager noted: “There are women who are afflicted with the need to tear down whoever is in their lives, including a good man.” Damn, I’ve dated a few of those! Dennis: “A man needs … Continue reading

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The Rabbi Rabbs 2011 Calendar

I’ve been having a hard time coming up with the perfect winter solstice gift for the cute little goyim in my life. Then it hit me – the Rabbi Rabbs 2011 calendar. Many people — Jews and goyim — are … Continue reading

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Limiting Healthcare Choice

I just got a letter from my health insurance, Kaiser Permanente, explaining that “you may be able to keep your plan after 2014, at which point the market will function differently and health care choices may be limited.” Thank you … Continue reading

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