Daily Archives: December 29, 2010

I Want A More Tranquil Life

The other day, I was dealing with angry people. And in the middle of it, I thought, “I’d rather be teaching the Alexander Technique than dealing with this tsures.” I just don’t like all the anger and venom that came … Continue reading

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How Does A Kosher Restaurant Deal With Employees Who Want To Eat Non-Kosher?

Most employees at kosher restaurants in America are not Jewish. Most of them are immigrants from Mexico, most of them probably here illegally, and most of them like to eat pork products. So what does a kosher restaurant do when … Continue reading

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The Dean and Jerry Show!

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, On the final YouTube of the last Torah Talk, you and Rabbs were speculating about what kind of people were attracted to the talks and I guess conceivably your blog. I’ve done a little thinking … Continue reading

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What is lukeford.net’s 2010 Story of the Year?

I vote for the rise of Rabbi Rabbs.

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Who’s Poor?

From DennisPrager.com: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Radio Show H1: Should Kids Be Able to Say “I Hate You” to Parents? Prager H1: You might think (in either direction) that the answer is easy, but callers suggests otherwise. They split down … Continue reading

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