Daily Archives: December 30, 2010

Is Pigford Reparations?

This has the potential to be political dynamite — the Obama administration paying out billions of dollars in reparations to black farmers while its Justice Department ignores Black Panther intimidation of non-black voters in Philadelphia. Here’s the Wikipedia on the … Continue reading

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The Freakiest Video Ever

This South African rap video does not belong on a Torah blog: This is a long way from Air Supply: I am disturbed yet strangely compelled by this group. According to Wikipedia: Die Antwoord (Afrikaans: “The Answer“)[2] is a hip-hop … Continue reading

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My Other Half

When Cathy Seipp died in March of 2007, much of my world died with her. I dropped out of most writer gatherings, lost most of the connections I had around her, and sent my life in a different direction — … Continue reading

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The Wussification Of America

Dennis Prager came back live to the radio Thursday. He took Tuesday and Wednesday off. He’s working furiously to finish his next book — the case for American values. Dennis: “How much of my childhoood was unprogrammed. I remember visiting … Continue reading

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Hindu Honeys

Khunrum emails: Indian chicks look great. I like them almost as much as I do Asians. BUT they tend to hang with Indian men. I rarely see a white guy with an Indian gal. Chaim Amalek emails: I know a … Continue reading

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