Daily Archives: August 23, 2010

Why Should Anyone Help Pakistan?

Pakistan won’t accept any help that is labeled as coming from Jews. I don’t get why Jews should help this hateful Islamic country? If Pakistan hates Jews so much that they won’t even recognize the existence of the Jewish state … Continue reading

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Frumster Is Different

On the Orthodox dating site Frumster.com, I found one young woman who described herself as “G-d fearing…” You don’t find that so often in secular dating sites. “God-fearing” used to be a very common way that people were described (prior … Continue reading

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RCC Gives Kosher Supervision To Businesses Open On The Sabbath

One of the arguments that the RCC (Rabbinical Council of California) used against Rabbi Yehuda Bukspan was that he certified as kosher businesses operating on the Sabbath. This is perfectly legal by Jewish law, and the RCC today supervises businesses … Continue reading

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Immigration News

From CIS.org: 1. Video: Steven Camarota Discusses Birthright Citizenship on FOX News 2. Op-ed: What’s Next for Arizona? 3. Op-ed: The G.O.P. and Birthright Citizenship 4. Blog: JPMorgan Sends U.S. Jobs to India, Gets H-1Bs and Millions from USCIS 5. … Continue reading

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Harvard Divesting From Israel?

Harvard Investment Management Responds to Inquiry re their divestment of Israeli securities: John Longbrake, Senior Communications manager at the Harvard Management Company: Thank you for taking the time to write. The Management Company’s most recent SEC filing details changes in … Continue reading

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