Monthly Archives: August 2010

How To Help Jews Marry Jews

I applaud these ideas. I want to marry a Jew. I might need a little help. Rabbi Asher Lopatin writes: 2)If you are married, invite singles over to your home for Shabbat dinner or lunch. Many homes are just not … Continue reading

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Gay Pride Parades In Jerusalem

Rabbi Rabbs is opposed: Join the rabbi and me for Torah talk at 7pm PST Mondays. On Wednesday at 7pm, I wrestle with Rabbi Ally. Thursday at 2pm, with Monica.

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Neal Dublinsky ZT”L

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Los Angeles Torah Scroll Dispute

Julie Fax writes July 20, 2010 in the Jewish Journal: Despite two rabbinic court rulings against him, a Sherman Oaks rabbi is refusing to turn over four Torah scrolls that a rabbi’s widow says belong to her. In May, a … Continue reading

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Murder For Hire

From The Independent Of Santa Barbara: Eugene Temkin, 50, not only apparently decided he wanted Michael Hershman — a Los Angeles-area resident to whom Temkin loaned money several years ago — dead, but had also come up with a variety … Continue reading

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