Monthly Archives: August 2010

Is G-d A Transcendent Energy?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I don’t have a big problem with the anthropomorphized deity. I find that saying G-d is an energy leaves me very cold. I can’t have a relationship with energy. I can’t bow … Continue reading

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Why Did Harvard Sell Off Its Israel Shares?

Fred emails: “Doubtless, Harvard was caving into pressure. If my alma mater did this, it would be the last time they ever saw a cent from me.” Chaim Amalek emails: There is another, more foreboding explanation floating about: Harvard’s fund … Continue reading

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President Obama Part Of The David Rubin Simcha

David and Gitel Rubin emails their guests about tonight’s desert reception in honor of their daughter’s engagement (she is marrying Aryeh, child of Chaim and Rochelle Ribak): “President Obama has decided to be part of our simcha with a dinner … Continue reading

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The Only Twitter Feed I Read

Skip Bayless! I’ve been reading this guy’s sports columns since high school. He’s the only sportswriter I follow closely. Over breakfast most weekday mornings, I watch his commentary on First Take.

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Sending Icebreakers On Frumster

So I just tried out Frumster for the first time. I used these search criteria: Age 25-45, anything goes. Divorced with kids, never married, whatever. I can’t believe how much anxiety I am feeling. It was like being at an … Continue reading

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