Monthly Archives: July 2010

This Could Hurt Your Orthodox Marriage Prospects

Heshy Fried writes: Facebook: Unless you are a kiruv rabbi, you have no excuse to be on facebook. If you happen to be on facebook you may want to make sure that you are fans of gedolim and kosher Jewish … Continue reading

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Does God Improve?

In a 2005 lecture on Deuteronomy 31, Dennis Prager says: “I don’t think there is a text dated anywhere near the text of the Torah that is so egalitarian in its depiction of women. It’s about as unsexist a text. … Continue reading

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This Week’s Parsha With Dr. Kirschbaum From Tikkun Magazine

This week’s Torah portion is Va’etchanan. I discuss it with Mark Kirschbaum.

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Do You Feel Worthy?

In a 2005 lecture on Deut. 30, Dennis Prager says: “I have a feeling that Christians have a harder time thinking they are worthy.” “Do you think God is satisfied with the person you are? I have Christians friends who … Continue reading

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The Torah Is Not In Heaven

Here’s the Wikipedia entry. In a 2005 lecture on Deut. 30, Dennis Prager says: “Literally, this teaching is not a wonder. And it’s not far from you.” From Baba Metziah 59:B (in the Talmud): It is taught: On that day … Continue reading

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