Monthly Archives: July 2010

Andrea Thompson Commentaries

Steam Chip emails: I just emerged from my cave a few weeks ago and discovered who Andrea Thompson is. Consider anything I write from here on in this particular context — it is NEW news to me. Next week I’ll … Continue reading

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Orthodox Union Kashrut

Mac emails: Last week came the news that OU head of shechita Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel is overseeing shochtim who eat treif or are not otherwise shomrei Torah umitzvos. I asked a rov to look into this. A rather … Continue reading

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Sunday Night Torah Talk With Tikkun Torah Columnist Dr. Mark Kirschbaum

Read Dr. Kirschbaum’s work here. Certain people used the work of a 19th Century Hasidic rebbe to hit on girls. We discuss using God to pick up chicks. Dr. Kirschbaum’s essay Biblical epic and personal narrative, as inspired by the … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘Holiness Protects Ethics’

In his 2004 lecture on Deuteronomy 14, Dennis Prager says: “There’s a tacit agreement in Jewish life between the observant and the non-observant — we both agree that the laws have no meaning.” “It is a pain in my life … Continue reading

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National Council of Young Israel Wins Complete Victory Over Mischels

Lawrence, Susan and Samuel Mischel must pay $5,000 each to Young Israel. The dispute is centered on the Pico Blvd shul Young Israel of Beverly Hills.

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