Monthly Archives: July 2010

Iran Sanctions, Gilad Shalit’s “True Freedom Flotilla,” Hirhurim’s Gil Student, and More!

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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Parsha Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

Monday night, Rabbi Hershel “Rabbs” Remer and I discuss this week’s two Torah portions — Maatot and Masei. Luke: “Did you sense the holiness of the land of Israel when you were there?” Rabbs: “Yes! The kedusha (holiness) of eretz … Continue reading

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Torah Hour Of Power With Tikkun Magazine Torah Columnist

Watch the whole thing.

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Self-Portrait In Turkey

In a 2004 lecture on Deuteronomy 16, Dennis Prager says: “The Jews are very tempted by Canaanite paganism. We’re all tempted by paganism. Pagan is the natural state of things. An invisible one God is hardly natural compared to a … Continue reading

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The Meir Kin Divorce Case

Joe emails: Luke, here is another letter from a different Bais Din (Jewish law court) condemning the RCC and the new Seiruv as fraudulent and meritless. Rabbi Gestetner has condemmed Herschel Schachter from New York, Avrohom Union and Nochum Sauer … Continue reading

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