Monthly Archives: July 2010

Sex Under False Pretenses

Here’s a hilarious story from Israel: “A Palestinian man has been convicted of rape by deception after having consensual sex with a woman who had believed him to be a fellow Jew.” Oy, what will the goyim think? Oy, did … Continue reading

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Pedophilia and the Talmud

Jacob Stein writes: Considering this, how frequent are sexual relations between adult Orthodox Jewish men and little girls, with the blessings of the rabbis? Not very. I know of no Jewish bride in modern times who was under 17. In … Continue reading

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Waves Too Big For The Rabbi

Rabbi Hershel Rabbs Remer “can’t win. The 9 days finally finished, summer weather finally arrived, but the waves are too damn big for me to surf this afternoon. Today is 4-6 ft with occasional 7s. I’d get my Jewish butt … Continue reading

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A Cool Thing I Did Before Becoming Religious

Winner of Miss Bikini World Australia Ema Masters is given a helping hand by Martin Carroll, Graeme Dobson, Ryan Abbott, John Schlimmer and Luke Ford.

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It Was So Hot In The Hood Last Week The Daily Pogrom Was Called Off

Manuel Rosado posts to Rabbs’ Facebook: So I’m sitting here listening to you and Luke and once again Luke just makes me LOL and wonder what your neighborhood is like? It was so hot the goyim weren’t engaging in pogroms? … Continue reading

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