Monthly Archives: June 2010

When Do I Trust My Feelings?

I think the only time I trust my feelings is when I determine whether or not I want a particular woman. No matter how good and kind and smart she is, if I don’t want her, there is no point … Continue reading

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Married People Talk Different

In his 13th lecture on Deuteronomy, Dennis Prager says: “I play a game on the radio. When a person calls, and starts talking, and all I have is a name and the city, I know nothing else about the person, … Continue reading

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Party Down

Monica hosts a housewarming party this afternoon. She introduces me to her father. “Don’t be fooled into thinking that he is pious,” she says about me. “He’s truly a despicable person.” “I’ve got to write that down,” I say. I … Continue reading

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Should We Change Jewish Law?

A convert to Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo writes: I teach Jewish Philosophy. I am confronted daily with countless young Jews who search for an authentic Jewish religious way of life, but are unable to find spiritual satisfaction … Continue reading

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Meir Kin Responds To Rabbinic Contempt Order

Meir Kin reponds to this: Dear Community: It is with a heavy heart that we stand today before Tisha B’Av and yet have not learned the lessons of the past. The Bais Hamikdosh was destroyed because of baseless hatred coupled … Continue reading

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