Daily Archives: June 1, 2010

I Was A Teenage Dirtbag

More Wikipedia Entry On Film “Teenage Dirtbag”

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Behind The GLBT Movement

When I can’t figure out whether a person is male or female, it disturbs me. I like people who are clear and forthright in their identity. I like Jews who are Jewish and Christians who are Christian and women who … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Who Lost Turkey?

Over the past five years, Turkey, which has the second biggest army in NATO, has moved from an ally of the West to an ally of Iran. I guess Turkey, along with more and more of the world, is aligning … Continue reading

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May Israel Defend Itself?

As I walked around today in my yarmulke and tzitzit out, I knew that I’d get challenges about Israel killing ten people on that aid flotilla to Gaza. Non-Jews in my life were gentle but this was on their minds … Continue reading

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