Daily Archives: June 4, 2010

The Light In Her Eyes


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You Should Earn Self-Esteem By Doing Estimable Things

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “That’s the only estimable coinage. The rest is counterfeit. Counterfeit self-esteem either produces narcissism or profound unhappiness when the day comes that I recognize it has been counterfeit.” Caller: “We have a … Continue reading

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Marrying A Convert

It does not make sense to me why somebody Orthodox from birth would want to marry a convert or a baal teshuva (penitent). I figure the more you have in common, the better. There tends to be a naive wide-eyed … Continue reading

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Woman Fired For Being Too Attractive

Dennis Prager says she was not fired for being too attractive. The bank fired her for dressing too provocatively. If she did dress immodestly and would not stop dressing immodestly, Dennis said he defended the bank’s actions. Dennis said he … Continue reading

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Spike Lee

Dennis Prager on his radio show today: “I sat next to Spike Lee for five hours New York to LA. I don’t want to badmouth the guy but he didn’t say a word to the guy sitting next to him, … Continue reading

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