Daily Archives: June 11, 2010

The Gadolim Stand Behind Rabbi Rabbs

The whole thing. Rabbi Rabbs: “I don’t want kids. I’d be a terrible parent just like my parents.” “I am strongly against child abuse. That’s my big ticket item… I see myself as a leader in standing up against child … Continue reading

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I Want To Do Quality Streams

I want a higher quality streaming thingy from my hovel so that when I interview people, everyone can hear it live. What do I need to do to make this happen? I’d like to do a weekly live cam parsha … Continue reading

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What Kind Of Chicks Dig Rabbi Rabbs?

Here are the final few minutes of my interview with this Orthodox rabbi and stand-up comic: 7 p.m. We walk east on Airdrome St. Rabbi: “I’ve realized that no matter how funny I am, it doesn’t solve the problem. The … Continue reading

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Rabbi Sharon Brous Compares Sunday’s Rally For Israel To A Laker Rally

Rabbi Sharon Brous writes for the Jewish Journal. I wonder if she will face any consequences for the appalling things she wrote. I expect her congregation of Ikar is far more leftist than Jewish and so they really don’t give … Continue reading

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Exxxit: Life After P***

More: (L-R) Bill Margold, Nina Hartley, Michael Tipps (co-producer), director Bryce Wagoner, Luke Ford, William Paul Jones (editor), Susan Dynner (producer)

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