Daily Archives: June 7, 2010

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Is Like A Shower

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “My new hero in the United States is the New Jersey governor Chris Christie. Here he is again telling truths that are never spoken out of fears of the unions.” “You know … Continue reading

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Helen Thomas Resigns

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I’ve never liked Helen Thomas but I’ve never bothered spending time about her. She was always this far-left voice in the press corps. She was tolerated because of her age and being … Continue reading

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My YouTube Videos Have 3,106,315 Views

Whoa. Over three million. Join the crowd. I started posting videos online when I bought my first video camera in January 2007. Over the next few months, I earned about $700 from posting videos to Revver.com, until that site stopped … Continue reading

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‘I Saw Your God’

A friend emails me from the Republican Jewish Coalition dinner last night in Beverly Hills: “I saw your god. Should I ask Prager about pedophile rabbis?” Robert J. Avrech blogs: The food was strictly kosher and I was heartened to … Continue reading

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I’m Losing My Life To Distractions

This article rings true to me. I find I’ve become addicted to the thrill of email. I check mine way too much. I got a Blackberry two years ago so I could check my email anywhere. I have friends who … Continue reading

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