Monthly Archives: May 2010

Rabbi Marc Schneier Headed For His Fourth Divorce

He’s got a few more divorces before he catches up with Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Rabbi Schneier has told his West Hampton congregation that he has bipolar disorder and is taking a Sabbatical. June 27, 2010, the New York Post reports: Respected … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories

I grew up in a world immersed in conspiracy theories. I grew up in Seventh-Day Adventism, one giant conspiracy theory (lifestyle SDAs are the least likely to believe in such theories and the most likely to achieve in the world … Continue reading

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In The USA, You Determine How People Will React To You

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I’ve had this terrible sciatica recur. It’s very bad right now. It’s where you have a disc from your spine bulging out and touching nerves, the sciatic nerve goes down the back … Continue reading

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He Would Just Kill You

A friend calls. “You should change the slogan on your blog to ‘The Original Moishe Rosen — Accept No Substitutes.’” Luke: “Great. That will get me thrown out of shul.” Friend: “I demand that you do a post as the … Continue reading

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The Jewish Journal‘s social networking site has completely changed the way Jews relate to each other. My male friends report it has enabled them to date an entirely higher quality and younger variety of female than was available to … Continue reading

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