Daily Archives: April 30, 2010

Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach Leaves Shalhevet

Why? No clue. Lots of rumors, and the spin from the board (that he resigned for family reasons) seems to contradict what we know, like, for example, he is not allowed to return to the campus. There’s 24 hour security … Continue reading

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Seeking a Sanctuary: Seventh-day Adventism and the American Dream

This is the best book written on the Seventh-Day Adventist church. A much darker glance at Adventism is provided in We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda. It tells the … Continue reading

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The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day

I just picked up this new book — The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day — by Seventh-Day Adventist Sigve K. Tonstad. He’s on the Religion and Medicine faculty at Loma Linda University. I’m thinking about the title. I don’t … Continue reading

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Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach Leaves Shalhevet

To: Shalhevet School Parent and Faculty: The Board of Directors of the Shalhevet School has been diligently evaluating many aspects of the school during this past academic year. The Board recently made the difficult decision to close the Middle and … Continue reading

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