Daily Archives: April 4, 2010

7.2 Earthquake Hits Mexicali

3:40 pm. I’m lying down watching “The Raid on Entebbe” when my hovel starts shaking. I feel like I’m riding a horse. The shaking goes on for about 30 seconds, about the longest I ever remember. Report My movie — … Continue reading

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The Beard

An Orthodox friend calls. “I apologize for making fun of your beard. I was going crazy about charedi Jews. It had nothing to do with you personally. I was at the time ticked off about charedi beards but for you … Continue reading

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See Great Rabbis Naked!

An Orthodox friend calls. “Do you know how you can see great rabbis naked every day? Go to the mikveh. The Hasidim believe in going every morning. Go to the mikveh in the early morning and you can see great … Continue reading

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The Predator

As I walked the mean streets of Pico-Robertson today, I felt weak, tired and vulnerable. I was exhausted. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to run my errands, to pick up my groceries, and to retreat … Continue reading

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The David Rubin Story

Bloomberg News reports: Rubin grew up in L.A.

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