Daily Archives: April 11, 2010

I Don’t Want To Become A Fan Of You

Many of my Facebook friends ask me to become a Facebook fan of them. No, thank you! None of the people who’ve asked me to become a fan of them have done anything worth making me a fan of them. … Continue reading

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The Calvary Of Luke Ford

David Deutsch emails: So what are the chances that any of the yidn who made this list will ever be denied an aliya, much less suffer the Calvary of Luke Ford at the hands of what seems to be a … Continue reading

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A Heartbreaking Story From L.A.’s Chabad Community

From today’s Los Angeles Times, Maria L. La Ganga writes: Abbie Dorn lies in a hospital bed in her parents’ home on the South Carolina coast. A halo of dark curls frames her pale face. The pump for her feeding … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam!

Join the fun! Concerned writes: The Final Days? Am I the only one flashing on the sad last days of Howard Hughes as I picture Luke holed up in The Hovel ™, stroking his gray beard, watching endless hours of … Continue reading

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