To: Shalhevet School Parent and Faculty:
The Board of Directors of the Shalhevet School has been diligently evaluating many aspects of the school during this past academic year.
The Board recently made the difficult decision to close the Middle and Elementary schools, as well as the Early Childhood Center. Consistent with this approach, please be notified that Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach will be leaving the school immediately.
The High School will continue under the leadership of Mr. Phu Tranchi and Rabbi Ari Leubitz. The Lower Schools will continue under the leadership of Dr. Debora Parks and Rabbi Yehoshua Gabbai.
We look at this as an important move in positioning the school for future growth. We remain committed to providing our students an exceptional college preparatory program, a deep Torah foundation and an enduring love for the State of Israel.
Respectfully yours,
The Board of Directors
Shalhevet School