Daily Archives: April 7, 2010

The Bad Jew: Port of Call – LimmudLA Post-Pesach Fun Night

I remember from acting class 16 years ago, no matter what role I had, I always played it like a serial killer (according to the rest of the class, this was not my self-image). From my new favorite movie, The … Continue reading

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Delusions About Nixon & Watergate

Veteran journalist Alex Ben Block writes about his experience as a reborn and unrepentant journalist: “The great engine of investigative reporting, the independence that made Watergate a counter to Nixon’s Nazis, has stalled.” First of all, the comparison of Richard … Continue reading

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Hatred Of Americans

I’ve never suffered from Jew-hatred in the United States, but I constantly meet online Europeans who loathe Jews and Americans. It would never occur to me upon meeting somebody obnoxious or shallow to attribute their bad traits to their race … Continue reading

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Is Yoga Idolatry?

From The Los Angeles Times: For many religious Jews, Christians and Muslims, viewing yoga as a physical rather than spiritual practice solves the dilemma. But Rabbi Avivah Winocur Erlick, a chaplain at Providence Tarzana Medical Center, says it is impossible … Continue reading

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Serious Relationships

I was watching season three of the TV show “24” and I was struck by how often Kim Bauer and her boyfriend kept saying they were in a “serious” relationship. Something goes off in my head when I hear people … Continue reading

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