Daily Archives: April 8, 2010

I Understand Suicide Bombers

I have no trouble understanding the suicide bomber. Hmm, maybe I am one, a suicide bomber of the soul? People who blow themselves up don’t do it out of hatred for their enemy so much as to achieve status within … Continue reading

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Why Haven’t Religious Groups Demanded James Bond Stop Having Pre-Marital Sex?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager noted that anti-smoking groups demanded James Bond not smoke cigars. Why haven’t religious groups demanded James Bond stop womanizing? Dennis said that religious groups are generally less kill-joy than the anti-smoking crowd and … Continue reading

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Stand And Deliver Torah Style

How come there’s all this hoopla about Hispanic math teacher Jaime Escalante (hero of the film Stand and Deliver) and yet we never remember Feivel Himmelfarb, a math teacher in New York in the late 19th century who inspired a … Continue reading

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Does David Rubin Have Enemies In Orthodox Life?

Often when an Orthodox Jew falls from grace, it is easy to see his enemies rejoicing. Orthodox Jewish life is close. We know each other pretty well. We have feuds. And when people fall, there is often rejoicing. I have … Continue reading

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A Teachable Moment

Slate.com presents the case for government regulation: The 2004 outbreak investigated by the CDC was attributed to this route of transmission, demonstrating that screening itself, even if carried out diligently

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