Monthly Archives: April 2010

Why Do Jewish Day Schools Cost Three Times As Much As Roman Catholic Day Schools?

You can send your child to a Roman Catholic day school for $6,000 a year. If you want to send your child to YULA or Shalhevet and you have to pay full price, that will cost you about $20,000 a … Continue reading

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You Shouldn’t Read Blogs

From a Torah perspective, blogs just don’t seem kosher. I have an instinctive reaction against women as Orthodox rabbis. It just doesn’t seem right. Similarly, blogs that talk about other people, it just doesn’t seem right. That’s what the goyim … Continue reading

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I’m Not Rebuilding, I’m Reloading

I know I have not been blogging much the past three months. That will change in time. I don’t know when, but in theory I remain as committed to my writing as ever. My blogging ebbs and flows. It depends … Continue reading

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“You can’t talk to girls the same way you talk to guys,” my father often told me. He was right. I tend to talk to guys in competitive put-downs. There’s a highly ritualized component to this. With certain friends, almost … Continue reading

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The Holyland Affair

Joe emails: Not a word about David Appel or former Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski? They both look marvelous in big black kippot and handcuffs. The millions of dollars raised for them and Yad Sarah in Beverly Hills. Suddenly no one … Continue reading

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