Monthly Archives: February 2010

Heshy Fried Coming Out As A Writer

Read or watch the whole interview here. Luke: “Is it difficult for you that there is not much Torah in the San Francisco Bay Area?” Heshy: “That’s what I like. I like communities with a lack of Jewish resources because … Continue reading

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The Baltimore Yeshiva Suicide

Read or watch the whole interview here. Heshy Fried: “Blogging has opened up my mind to all sorts of people and I’ve got a girlfriend out of it and probably a future wife.” Luke: “How does your dad like your … Continue reading

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Heshy Fried On Frum Sex Scandals

Read or watch the whole interview here. Here’s an excerpt: Heshy: “Everything offends someone. If you want to get offended, you get offended. In the frum community, it’s even worse. I did a show where I talked about my dating … Continue reading

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Let My Gardeners Go!

Khunrum emails: “So here I am enjoying a glass of wine and watching the BBC News. There are little kiddies skip roping. We learn they are Philippine, Thai, Burmese and darker ones from Africa. Cute little girls (a few boys). … Continue reading

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Contempt In My Relationships

I’ve rarely had a relationship where I was not massively contemptuous of my girlfriend or she was not massively contemptuous of me. Yet I’ve never had a relationship where we were each contemptuous of the other. When I date high-achieving … Continue reading

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