Monthly Archives: February 2010

Psycho-Therapist Donna Burstyn Interviewed

On Echo in the Sense, hosted by Christine Palma on KXLU 89.9 FM, psycho-therapist Donna Burstyn talked about her craft. Christine: “What kind of people seek therapy?” Donna: “Many kinds of people. Some healthy people seek therapy. People who are … Continue reading

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The One That You Love

David Deutsch emails: So the other day, I’m in the local Rite Aid, and they’re playing “The One That You Love,” by Air Supply, and I think immediately of you. So the question, as a fan, is it flattering to … Continue reading

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Fly Fishing With Darth Vader: And Other Adventures with Evangelical Wrestlers, Political Hitmen, and Jewish Cowboys

Author Matt Labash emails: Hey Luke, long time, no talk. Thought you should know my new book’s out, and you’re in it. The porners meet the professors piece, in which you served as my guide. The book is kind of … Continue reading

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During two years of high school, I did weekly news reports on my school for the local radio station KAHI AM 950. After spending a year in Australia after graduation in 1984, I returned to Auburn in June 1985 and … Continue reading

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David Rubin’s Cozy Orthodox Connections

Former Yeshivat Yavneh board chair David Rubin is on trial for municipal bond kickbacks. Brian Dror is an Orthodox Jew in Fairfax/La Brea area who works as a CPA. One of his real estate trusts filed for bankruptcy last year. … Continue reading

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