Monthly Archives: January 2010

Have You Noticed My Change In Tone?

From my live cam: Josh: wow luke, the beard has gotten really long. i haven’t been on your webcam in maybe 6 months. you look like you lost weight too Josh: so i hear you’re officially a member of the … Continue reading

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The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work

I love this book by John Gottman. I didn’t realize that by age seven, boys almost never play with girls. While a third of preschool friendships are between sexes, by age seven, there are almost no best friendships between boys … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: David Greenfield defends wearing tefillin on airplanes: link Anti-semitism highest since WW2: link R. Shlomo Riskin wants Efrat to be smoke-free: link When religious people lie: link Orthodox rabbis fight for release of convicted perpetrator of bank fraud: … Continue reading

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Haitian Immigration

Fact Sheet on Haitian Immigrants in the United States WASHINGTON (January 25) – Since the terrible tragedy in Haiti, many have sought information about the Haitian community in the United States. Below are some basic socio-demographic statistics: The last Census … Continue reading

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Mother Me

One of the traits I love most about myself is my ability to draw out mothering from women. I can’t get enough! Hey, have you noticed sex differences in Facebook pictures? Girls pick up photos of themselves looking cute. Guys … Continue reading

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