Monthly Archives: October 2009

A Conversation In Norwalk

Friday. 12:30 pm. I’m hanging out at a Starbucks on Pioneer and Firestone in Norwalk. I’ve drunk several iced green teas and I’m feeling good for the first time in a month. Outside, the LA County Sheriff’s department has blocked … Continue reading

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Jewish Links

From Hirhurim: US citizen arrested on suspicion of being Israeli spy: link Blog post about Modern Orthodox in Israel reaching out to the traditional: link Philosophers and psychologists dispute what defines character, regarding a new movie about a classic children’s … Continue reading

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Ariel Sharon’s Twilight Zone

Brian emails: Just wanted to send along Lynn Sherr’s piece in the Daily Beast today, Ariel Sharon’s Twilight Zone, which touches on the former prime minister’s current state.   An excerpt:   “There is a feeling of communication, of … Continue reading

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His Kids Said No

Walter Carrington was one of the great Alexander Technique teachers along with his recently deceased wife Dilys. The couple pushed Alexander Technique so hard on their kids that all three of them turned against it.

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Rabbis Need To Get Their Act Together On Abuse

A. writes on Hirhurim: The frum community leadership, MO, Chareidi, and Chassidic, all really need to get their act together on this issue. The psakim from Chareidi poskim are there. The knowledge and professional research is there. Sadly, the history … Continue reading

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