Daily Archives: March 5, 2009

Obama’s Reliance On Teleprompters

I wanted to take a cheap shot here and say this shows Obama is just an empty suit but I don’t think that’s the bottom line here. Rather, Obama is cautious. So far I believe his presidency is a disaster. … Continue reading

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David Suissa Skeptical Of New Rabbinical Certification For Business Ethics

Here are my thoughts. I am stunned that David Suissa would air his reservations about this new program in the Jewish Journal. It is not often that he comes across as a skeptic. I am sure the rabbis are shocked … Continue reading

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Purim Begins Monday Night

Three Orthodox rabbis Hershel Billet, Kalman Topp, Aaron Glatt)  sent out this letter: Dear Friends As you well know, we are in the midst of a financial crisis unprecedented during our lifetimes. As a community we must take stock of … Continue reading

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The Case For Dialogue

Jay emails: "Hey Luke! I was watching your interview with the revisionist outside of the Oscars and was thinking about why there isn’t ever a dialogue between holocaust revisionist/ deniers and actual survivors. Education is more effective, right? Like I … Continue reading

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