Daily Archives: February 8, 2009

A History Of NCSY

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Zev Eleff, a YU undergrad, recently published a history of NCSY titled Living from Convention to Convention: A History of the NCSY, 1954-1980 (press release). The book is remarkable for a number of reasons. First of … Continue reading

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Kosher Investments

Skeptical writes to Hirhurim: "I was impressed that R. Belsky indicated that there would not be a problem eating bagels from an establishment that is not under kosher supervision (since bagels are made on designated equipment). Is this a widespread … Continue reading

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Waltz With Bashir

Kishke posts: "I don’t see how a smart guy like you can give props to a movie like Waltz With Bashir. From what I’ve read about it (including here), it’s a soldier-turned-leftist-working-out-his-guilt film. Now, look, I certainly empathize with whatever … Continue reading

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Kaddish Is Magic

Among the most ridiculous things I see in Orthodox shuls are the fights over the right to various honors such as aliyot (call to the Torah), davening for the congregation, or reciting the Torah or Haftorah portion. I see rabbis … Continue reading

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