Daily Archives: January 29, 2009

Barack Obama – Hothouse Flower

Joe emails: "It sends the right message to conserve in the white house. Lyndon Johnson used to go around the White House shutting off lights. Call it OCD, but it says, hey, this is not my money, and I am … Continue reading

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Imagine Reading A Newspaper Over Your Computer!

Here’s a 1981 report from KRON TV in San Francisco:

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Shane Warne – The Musical

Australia’s Shane Warne took more international wickets than any other bowler in the history of cricket. Now he is the deserved subject of this new musical: SHANE WARNE THE MUSICAL is a leg-spun yarn about what it means to fall … Continue reading

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May A Jew Go To An AA Meeting In A Church?

Charlie Hall writes on hirhurim: Every single Jewish recovering alcoholic I have ever met who has asked a shilah on this reports the following response: 1. Yes, go to AA. There is absolutely nothing there unique to Christianity and in … Continue reading

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The OU Marriage Satisfaction Survey

Zev writes on hirhurim: Very poorly done survey, obviously prepared by women and from a woman’s point of view. For example, a question asks how much of the following affects your marriage: drugs, internet time, inapprpropraite internet sites, gambling, illegal … Continue reading

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