Daily Archives: January 26, 2009

She Felt My Stare And Turned Around

I tend to be an intense person and my stares are particularly long and longing. I just love too much. I can’t help it. Judges just don’t understand. I often notice women turning around to face me when I stare … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Changed My Life

CJ posts: "Hi. I fully understand what you said regarding the change of your life because if this amazing man. He changed mine too. I took a flight from L.A. to N.Y. back in 2006. I sat next to him. … Continue reading

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Sanskrit Prayers Are More Powerful

Kring emails: sanskrit prayers are indeed more powerful… i’ve prayed in hebrew, english, and spanish using jewish as well as catholic prayers…. but what you’re using there in sanskrit are not prayers, but mantras, more precisely. sanskrit is the language … Continue reading

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My Soul Is For Sale

ChaimAmalek:  You need to turn the tables on the Jews. ChaimAmalek:  Make it clear that unless some good things start coming your way as a result of your deep investment of time in the faith, you will be leaving it … Continue reading

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I Just Had An Energy Shower With My Qigong Instructor

And she balanced my chi! I feel great. My kundalini is rockin. I just covered the mirrors in my hovel. My Qigong instructor says mirrors suck energy out of you. Then I had to uncover one mirror for three minutes … Continue reading

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