Monthly Archives: January 2009

Imagine Reading A Newspaper Over Your Computer!

Here’s a 1981 report from KRON TV in San Francisco:

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Shane Warne – The Musical

Australia’s Shane Warne took more international wickets than any other bowler in the history of cricket. Now he is the deserved subject of this new musical: SHANE WARNE THE MUSICAL is a leg-spun yarn about what it means to fall … Continue reading

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May A Jew Go To An AA Meeting In A Church?

Charlie Hall writes on hirhurim: Every single Jewish recovering alcoholic I have ever met who has asked a shilah on this reports the following response: 1. Yes, go to AA. There is absolutely nothing there unique to Christianity and in … Continue reading

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The OU Marriage Satisfaction Survey

Zev writes on hirhurim: Very poorly done survey, obviously prepared by women and from a woman’s point of view. For example, a question asks how much of the following affects your marriage: drugs, internet time, inapprpropraite internet sites, gambling, illegal … Continue reading

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Getting Away For Passover

David Suissa writes: There I was poolside, on day three of our vacation, fumbling with four water glasses I was bringing to my dehydrated kids, and who do I run into? The one guy I see most Friday mornings on … Continue reading

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