Monthly Archives: January 2009

Orthodox Jews Uneasy With Obama

Joe emails: Orthodox jews get an uneasy feeling from Barack Obama, and for obvious reasons. He has broken violently with George W. Bush on everything, and israel will obviously be included in things done differently. You can forget tacit approval … Continue reading

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The Rabbi Who Went To Church

Ari Goldman writes in The Jewish Week: What bothers me is how ready the Orthodox rabbinate, apparently frightened of its right-wing constituency, was to criticize one of its own. But there was also a matter of decency here. Couldn’t the … Continue reading

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Why Do The Homeless Keep Giving To Me?

I was running across Colorado Ave in Santa Monica yesterday morning, when my Blackberry bounced out of my shirt pocket and smashed to the road, with pieces (back cover, battery and rest) flying in different directions. As I was gathering … Continue reading

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Does Sholom Rubashkin Deserve Freedom?

Washington D.C. lawyer for Agriprocessors Nat Lewin writes: Rarely does the Anti-Defamation League take up the cudgels for a Lubavitcher chassid. But in a recent letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, the ADL protested a federal magistrate’s ruling that Sholom … Continue reading

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Barack Obama – Hothouse Flower

Joe emails: "It sends the right message to conserve in the white house. Lyndon Johnson used to go around the White House shutting off lights. Call it OCD, but it says, hey, this is not my money, and I am … Continue reading

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