Monthly Archives: December 2008

My Beautiful Breasts Body Sculpting Kit

I just got a text message from a gorgeous writer of American-Jewish Literature who possesses the greatest midot any man or woman could want. She wrote — and don’t blame me for this, the following is not sexual, it is … Continue reading

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I Wish Fat People Would Stay Out Of My Newspaper

I just sat down to have a gentle pre-Shabbos read of the latest issue of the Jewish Journal and on page eight at the top left, there’s little porker named Paul Koretz squinting at me and wishing me a happy … Continue reading

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Ed Asner On Israel

Jason Maoz, Editor of The Jewish Press, writes: Asner, this year’s Schwarzschild’s "honoree," is best remembered for his portrayal of lovably gruff Lou Grant on the old "Mary Tyler Moore" show (CBS, 1970-77) and later on "Lou Grant" (CBS, 1977-’82). … Continue reading

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Dirt Beneath Their Shoe

A lot of people, such as Steven Weil, Morey Levovitz, Daniel Gordis, Joseph Telushkin, expend a lot of energy complaining about me but they never complain to me. They feel they have been badly hurt by my website. They feel … Continue reading

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Mood Instability

Living on your own, it is harder to see your moods. But I am very moody. I am a different person at different times of the day. When I wake up, I am usually in a focused pragmatic problem-solving mode. … Continue reading

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