Tag Archives: beit midrash

The Strange Charedi Judaism Of Aish HaTorah

In his second lecture on Rav Elazar Shach, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: "His antipathy to kiruv (outreach) has nothing to do with his feelings for Chabad. What does it mean to do kiruv? It means to leave the yeshiva. … Continue reading

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Do Rabbis Avi Weiss, Saul Berman Deserve To Be Called ‘Amalek’?

Yehuda posts to Hirhurim: Gil, it’s lovely you’re so tolerant. I’m glad you know what they mean. Despite your tolerance, I think anyone calling you, Rabbis Weiss or Berman, or any other Torah opinions "Amalek" deserves a public rebuke, and … Continue reading

Posted in Modern Orthodox, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, YCT, Yeshiva University | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Do Rabbis Avi Weiss, Saul Berman Deserve To Be Called ‘Amalek’?

Jerusalem’s Rabbi Mickey Rosen Has Died

He presided over the liberal Yakar synagogue. He was the primary teacher for Reb Mimi Feigelson of American Jewish University. Blog: I was deeply upset to hear a few minutes ago that Rabbi Meir (Mickey) Rosen passed away last night. … Continue reading

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Where Does Luke Ford Daven?

At shalosh sheudos (third meal) today, a new friend said to me, "All my friends ask me, ‘Is it true Luke Ford davens at the Happy Minyan?’" I’m still singing. Lila li. Li lalalalilili, bum, bum, bum. That place rocks. … Continue reading

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Agriprocessors Fallout?

Yisroel writes: "I think the deli owner and operators are young Lubavitchers from NY." According to SFNewYorkDeli.com: "Welcome to the S.F. New York Deli. Here is our unique style blend of the real New York Deli experience and San Francisco. … Continue reading

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