Daily Archives: October 7, 2008

Let’s Learn More Judo With Vladimir Putin

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin presented an instructional judo DVD that bears his name and shows him throwing an opponent to the mat to journalists and guests in Moscow.

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Let’s Learn Judo With Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a black belt in Judo.

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Is My Blog Certified Kosher By The Orthodox Rabbis Of Los Angeles?

I heard Orthodox rabbi Yitz Greenberg say that while Israel should be more moral than other nations, if it insisted on being 100% more moral, it would be dead. It should instead strive for something achievable and survivable, such as … Continue reading

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Why Were There So Many Jews In SDS?

Mark Rudd, a former member of The Weathermen, writes:      I’ve been thinking about this subject for a long time, almost forty years, so I want to begin by thanking the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society for giving me this … Continue reading

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What Level Of Vacation Benefits Are ‘Just’?

Rav Yitzhock Adlerstein blogs: My main concern was the damage to kashrus that would result from people coming to believe that the details of the law were far less important than the ethical intent of the law. Traditional Jews have … Continue reading

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