Daily Archives: September 9, 2008

Getting In Touch With Dennis Prager

Email Dennis at: dennis@pragerradio.com Macho Man emails me: I was reading Dennis Pager’s convention comments on your site and, for various reasons he touched on (and some he didn’t) I was wondering if you’d put me in touch with him. … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s Family’s Legal Records

From ERSNews: We’ve been watching the media feeding frenzy since Republican nominee John McCain named little known Alaska Governor Sarah Palin his VP running mate. We’ve noticed that as media outlets far and wide have jumped into the “Who is … Continue reading

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What Dennis Prager Saw At The Conventions

He writes: I broadcasted my radio show from both the Democratic and Republican Conventions. Here are some observations: 1. The Democrats in Denver were very excited from Day One, just as excited as I saw them at their last convention … Continue reading

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Lawsuit Alleges KRLA Serves Republican Party, Not Public

Report: GLENDALE — A Los Angeles man has filed a lawsuit against a conservative talk radio station — which broadcasts from the city — claiming the station and its media company misrepresented their federal license agreement by serving the interest … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Rockets Republicans To The Top

Jonah Goldberg writes: Barack Obama, a famous fan of pickup basketball, must recognize his plight: It’s two on one now. John McCain drafted Gov. Sarah Palin, the star point guard from the Wasilla Warriors, to double-team Obama. (McCain’s team doesn’t … Continue reading

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