Monthly Archives: September 2008

I’m Tired Of Republican Whining About The News Media

John McCain’s most important decision as the Republican nominee for president was his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. Palin is unknown nationally. She’s been a gift to the news media. As they look into her life, they … Continue reading

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When Technology & Torah Collide

From the New York Times (which consistently publishes the best journalism on Orthodox Judaism): The rabbis, scientists and engineers of the Zomet Institute are trying to solve the problems that arise when technology and the Torah collide. Working from their … Continue reading

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In Memory Leah Kleim’s Sister

From here: A rabbi: We have entered the month of Elul. Chodesh Harachamim. The month of mercy. We can all use some Divine mercy in our lives. G-d’s way is middah keneged middah. A measure for a measure. When we … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin

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Hancock Park Jew Found Dead

From the Ventura County Star: Search teams found the body of Anatoly Smolyansky in Lake Piru on Monday, a week after he jumped into the water after his daughter and drowned. Smolyansky, 39, of Los Angeles, and his family were … Continue reading

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