Monthly Archives: September 2008

The Beginning Of A Dating Memoir

A male friend writes: The great difference between men and women, the mystical separation of the two sexes that confounds a thousand poets and is the lament of millions more, an inwardly and outwardly rage – a perpetual tornado of … Continue reading

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Arab Press Pushing Obama

Rabbi Yaakov Menken writes: The Arab-American and global Arab press has made this point repeatedly, in order to explain the “transformation” of Barack Obama — who as recently as the 2000 election cycle (when he failed in his bid for … Continue reading

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Praying On A Plane

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Meir Weingarten of Ariel Tours was kind enough to provide me with a booklet from El Al that contains the following: Our sages show the way. Customs of Gedolei Torah During Flights. Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, … Continue reading

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Vicky Cristina Barcelona Dialogue With Marc Gafni IV

Here’s more:

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Vicky Cristina Barcelona Dialogue With Marc Gafni III

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