Monthly Archives: September 2008

Jewish Journal’s First Torah Slam A Big Success

Over 100 people had to be turned away last night at the Skirball Center. It was a mad house. JTN videotaped the discussion for future broadcast. David Suissa moderated a discussion between five rabbis on the meaning of the High … Continue reading

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Is Michelle Obama’s Cousin A Real Jew?

Here‘s a podcast featuring Rabbi Funnye speaking about his congregation. From Radar: FUNNYE, YOU DON’T LOOK JEWISH Oh, come on, you would have gone the exact same way with this one Have you heard? Michelle Obama has a cousin who … Continue reading

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It’s The Season For Repentance

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: In his newest book Defending Identity, Natan Sharansky once again mines his experience of nine years in Soviet prisons for universal lessons. At the beginning of his interrogation, the KGB offered him the possibility of being reunited … Continue reading

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George Bush: A Profile In Courage

Here’s an editorial from the WSJ: Now that even Barack Obama has acknowledged that President Bush’s surge in Iraq has "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams," maybe it’s time the Democratic nominee gives some thought to how that success actually came … Continue reading

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The Gibson Doctrine

Dennis Prager writes: Sarah Palin’s reputation survived her interview with ABC News’ Charlie Gibson. The same cannot be said for Charlie Gibson. On my radio show last week, I twice defended Barack Obama. Once, against those conservatives who took a … Continue reading

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