Daily Archives: August 26, 2008

I Gained Two Inches Through Alexander Technique

After a month of lessons, I’ve largely corrected my stoop and I now stand about 6’2".

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Is There A Community Of Jewish Bloggers?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: A blog is a medium that people use for many different things. Some can use it to post news, some to post Torah, some to post their thoughts about knitting yarmulkas, some to post about their … Continue reading

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Don’t Despair If You Suffer From Homophobia

Jack Marx writes: It’s most probably not a decision you have made, or a path you have deliberately embarked upon, but rather something that springs from some deep well inside of you, as does fear of the dark or a … Continue reading

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A Blast From The Past

I used to work with Jon at KAHI radio in 1987. We used to share dirty jokes and the like. He emails me today: You must be the same Luke Ford who used to work at KAHI radio in Auburn. … Continue reading

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How Would God Vote?

Yori Yanover writes: In the past three months I’ve begun to listen to right-wing radio, especially to Rush Limbaugh, mostly for the pain. Few things in our political culture are more rewarding nowadays than hearing Rush’s scrambling to build up … Continue reading

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