Monthly Archives: August 2008

Luke Ford’s Blogging Headquarters

Oh, the glory!

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A Rabbi’s Curious Allegations

Nathan Lewin writes for The Jewish Press:   In a front-page article asserting that minors had been hired to work in an Iowa kosher meat-packing plant and in an editorial calling the plant the modern equivalent of Upton Sinclair’s The … Continue reading

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Is Elizabeth Edwards A Victim?

She says she knew he had this affair in 2006 and yet she encouraged him to run for the presidency anyway and she knew he was lying to reporters about not having an affair with Rielle Hunter. I say she’s … Continue reading

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The Anguish Of Elizabeth Edwards

From "There was anguish – excruciating anguish – for her in dealing with this," Elizabeth’s best friend Hargrave McElroy tells PEOPLE in its new issue. Behind the public show of strength, the Edwards’ household has been a scene of … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuel Hertzfeld & Open Orthodoxy

Joe emails: I think that you should run a piece on Rabbi Shmuel Hertzfeld. His time has come, since he is a quasi-celeb. Without any previous knowledge, you might think Hertzfeld is some kind of activist, a modern day Heschel … Continue reading

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